34 citizens of Courtrai are going car-less. In turn, the city offers them a premium of 400 euros. “An unforeseen success” says alderman of Mobility Axel Weydts (SP.A).

Every little bit counts when it comes to improving the air quality in Courtrai. That's what alderman of Mobility Axel Weydts (SP.A) was thinking when he introduced the bike premium. Whoever got rid of their car, received 400 euros.
Who would do something like that?
But after one quarter, already 24 premiums have been approved. Ten other files are still awaiting approval.
Danny Ravau does his morning commute to Courtrai by bike, from Heule. He bought an electrical folding bike and benched his car.
“I decided to sell my car”, says Ravau. “I purchased a good electrical folding bike in march. I could very easily do my commute with it. I haven't regretted it for a second. Next to being good for the environment, it's also a lot cheaper than a car. I don't care about rain. There are a lot of decent rainproof clothes. I can also take the bike on the train for free. Honestly, who still drives their car to Antwerp with all the traffic jams nowadays?”
Great potential in Courtrai
Ravau paid 1.500 euros for his electrical bike. He says the premium got him to make the switch. Not everyone can do what Ravau does.
“This success has been somewhat unforeseen”, says alderman Weydts. “De premium-applicants are both young and less young people. I do realise that it's not realistic for everyone. Nonetheless, getting rid of a second car also qualifies you to receive a premium.
Eleven applications for an electrical bike, ten for a regular bike and three for a carrier cycle have been approved so far. Everyone who applies for a premium, makes the engagement not to buy a car for at least two years.
There's a great potential for bicycle use in Courtrai. Citizens are still using their cars more than average, according to the city monitor.”
Do you want to follow up on this action? Courtrai is keeping track of the details on their public page.
Shout-out to our colleagues in Courtrai for their amazing work!
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(Bron: Het Nieuwsblad, FutureproofedCities)